Take control of your estate affairs

Sasfin’s fiduciary services will help design your wealth retention and preservation strategy. Our role is to ensure that your estate planning affairs are in order and the smooth transition your legacy ensues.

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Peace of mind that your estate is covered

Everyone, regardless of family dynamics or financial status, can benefit from having an estate plan—a collection of documents that specify how you want your assets distributed.

Holistic solutions

We bring value to you, our clients, by offering holistic estate planning solutions.

Personalised recommendations

Our legal advisors are dedicated to delivering personalised professional, fiduciary advice, that caters for your specific needs.

Professional advice

Our legal advisors are highly qualified, specialised and skilled professionals with a vast amount of industry experience.

Personalised experience

Sasfin’s team of fiduciary specialists deliver superior client experiences with a personal touch.

Structured products for estate transfers

The ability to set up structures with the long term objective of easing the transfer of your estate to your heirs.

Watch the video below to learn more about this offering

We’ll assist you in getting various aspects of your estate in order

  • Ensure that your loved ones are taken care of financially and that your demise does not impact your heirs financially.
  • Ensure that the pitfalls of a poorly drafted Will are avoided.
  • Ensure that your Will complies with legislative and regulatory requirements.
  • Ensure that the distribution of your estate is done in a fair and timeous manner and that your assets are distributed efficiently to your beneficiaries.
  • Ensure that your Will is regularly updated in accordance with life changing circumstances.

  • Calculate the total costs in your estate upon your demise. This calculation indicates the immanent liabilities, estate related taxes, and executor’s fees that will necessitate the availability of cash or liquid funds in order to ensure that labilities and costs are expunged without having to sell off assets.

  • Calculate the application of your antenuptial contract to your overall estate to ensure that your Will is drafted correctly.

  • Drafting of essential contracts such as universal partnership agreements and loan agreements ensures that your contractual rights or obligations are recorded for the ease of the administration of your estate.

  • Carefully and concisely plan and manage any costs and taxes relating to your estate taking your unique circumstances into account to ensure that all applicable legislation is considered to ensure that your wishes are capable of fruition and that sufficient flexibility is integral to the plan to allow for your evolving circumstances.

  • Review and analysis of your current inter vivos trust to ensure that the trust is compliant with updated legislation and regulations.

  • Provision of a range of vehicles to facilitate your generational wealth preservation.

  • A corporate trustee’s duties include legal guidance to ensure proper governance for your trust, and compliance with changing legislative, regulatory and compliance requirements.
    • Drafting and maintaining resolutions.
    • Maintaining an asset register.
    • Ensuring that the annual financial statements are prepared correctly.

Executorship, estate administration and winding up of deceased estates

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